TAMU ACM SIGGRAPH accepts new members during the fall and spring semesters.
There is no formal application process. Any student of Texas A&M University may join by paying dues.
Dues are $15 for the Fall 2023 Semester, or $25 for the whole year.
If you are already an ACM Member, just give us your ACM number with your renewal month and you’re in!
Membership Benefits
You must have signed up to be a member and have paid your dues to receive the following benefits:
- Admission to the Workshops
- Eligibility for Industry Field Trips
- Access to ACM SIGGRAPH (head organization) benefits through our local chapter
- Receive member t-shirt with dues and order extra shirts for additional charge
- Engaging in a community of like-minded people
- Opportunity to meet potential employers
- Membership status to the TAMU ACM SIGGRAPH discord
- A chance to win end of year prizes